SOCAT input database was updated (cruises were added and/or updated) since missing cruises were identified at the regional meeting. Initial input database for SOCAT version 1.3 was frozen – meaning that no more data will be added. The current input database consists of approx. 7.5 million surface CO2 measurements with a total of 2150 cruises
Author: Camilla Landa
V1.2 Quality Control
SOCAT version 1.2 is available for secondary QC. The input database was updated (cruises were added and/or updated) since missing cruises were identified at the regional meeting
Tsukuba Workshop
SOCAT Pacific regional workshop was held at NIES in Tsukuba, Japan. Live Access Server version 1.0 of SOCAT was presented by NOAA/PMEL
Kiel Workshop
SOCAT coastal regional workshop was held at IFM/GEOMAR in Kiel, Germany
V1.1 Quality Control
SOCAT version 1.1 is available for secondary QC. The input database was updated (cruises were added and/or updated)
Input Database Updated
SOCAT input database was updated (cruises were added and/or updated)
Second Technical Meeting
Second technical meeting was held at UNESCO, Paris. NOAA/PMEL agreed on setting up a LAS (Live Access Server) version of SOCAT which will be used for secondary QC and at a later point for distribution
First Technical Meeting
First technical meeting was held in Bremen, Germany, along with the 3rd annual CARBOOCEAN meeting to agree on 1st level QC for the data set and decide on a way forward for the 2nd level QC issues
Input Database Updated
SOCAT input database was updated (cruises were added and/or updated)
V1 Input Database
First version of the SOCAT input database was compiled at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research holding approx. 4.5 million surface CO2 measurements with a total of 1250 cruises