Data Submission and Quality Control

For submitting data and for quality control of data, please, go to If you do not have an account please request one by sending a mail to

Metadata should always accompany data. The SOCAT metadata requirements are detailed in the SOCAT cookbook (2018). Please, use this guidance for providing metadata information. SOCAT accepts metadata in any format (OME, pdf, etc). SOCAT encourages data providers to use this metadata template, which aligns with the metadata requirements for the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 14.3.1. However, the SOCAT global group acknowledges that there are several omissions in the SDG metadata template, and the SOCAT metadata template has a few additional fields.

For more information on how to submit or quality control data, please go to the SOCAT help page.


Request for accounts (required for submission): 12 Dec 2024
Data submission for SOCATv2024: 15 Jan 2025
Quality control for SOCATv2024: 21 Mar 2025


SOCAT quality control is carried out by regional working groups with a global group for coordination. The groups for SOCAT v2025 can be found here.