
Second Technical Meeting

Second technical meeting was held at UNESCO, Paris. NOAA/PMEL agreed on setting up a LAS (Live Access Server) version of SOCAT which will be used for secondary QC and at a later point for distribution

First Technical Meeting

First technical meeting was held in Bremen, Germany, along with the 3rd annual CARBOOCEAN meeting to agree on 1st level QC for the data set and decide on a way forward for the 2nd level QC issues

V1 Input Database

First version of the SOCAT input database was compiled at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research holding approx. 4.5 million surface CO2 measurements with a total of 1250 cruises

Initializing SOCAT

At the “Surface Ocean CO2 Variability and Vulnerability” (SOCOVV) workshop at UNESCO, Paris. Participants agreed to establish a global surface CO2 data set that brings together all publicly available data in a common format. SOCAT was initialized and regional groups established